- Read text chapter 1
- write paper 1
- text discussions
- complete a brief bio
- read announcements
All of these assigments needed to be completed, but by when. You need to prioritize. You can do that several ways depending on the assignments. YOu can prioritize by due date, length of time to complete, or importance. Note: If you are a procrastinator try to avoid doing the little easy tasks first. Many times you will find you spent your time on tiny tasks, and writing a long paper in a couple of hours before it's due. I'd recommend the book "Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time" by Brian S. Tracy. It's a quick read and will give you lots of food for thought!
5. Use what's best for you.
If you need to keep track of things via paper, please do so. If you function better using tools like Microsoft Outlook (Calendar function) or a Organizational program... use those! These can be great resources. I currently use Blackboard Backpack 3.0. I can download assignments from blackboard onto my desktop, in case I am not near an internet connection and I can also use the calendar function.
So far, that's all I have for the organizational tips right now.
I know, why don't you tell me some of the tips you have come up with for back to school....
Tarisha A. Mickel
Professional Communication Student
Regent University; Online