Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Organizational Tips

So, I've discovered some organizational tips for my first semester of online university here at Regent. I didn't want to be the only one who benefited from my little tips... so here they are:

1. Keep a calendar.

You will need to keep ONE calendar with all of your personal, work and school appointments. The purpose of the calendar will be to remind you of upcoming assignments. Chances are, if you have several different calendars you will not look at the one that is telling you that you have an upcoming assignment.

2. Use highlighters on the calendar.

On the ONE universal calendar seperate the categories by using a highlighter. For example, I use a blue highlighter for everything related to Regent. Everything related to my job is highlighted in orange. Everything related to my personal life is highlighted in pink.

3. Have a place for monthly and weekly(or daily) views of your calendar.

Write brief descriptions on the monthly view of your calendar and go into detail on your weekly or daily views of you calendar.

4. Prioritize your assignments.

Often we receive a list of assignments such as:

  • Read text chapter 1

  • write paper 1

  • text discussions

  • complete a brief bio

  • read announcements

All of these assigments needed to be completed, but by when. You need to prioritize. You can do that several ways depending on the assignments. YOu can prioritize by due date, length of time to complete, or importance. Note: If you are a procrastinator try to avoid doing the little easy tasks first. Many times you will find you spent your time on tiny tasks, and writing a long paper in a couple of hours before it's due. I'd recommend the book "Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time" by Brian S. Tracy. It's a quick read and will give you lots of food for thought!

5. Use what's best for you.

If you need to keep track of things via paper, please do so. If you function better using tools like Microsoft Outlook (Calendar function) or a Organizational program... use those! These can be great resources. I currently use Blackboard Backpack 3.0. I can download assignments from blackboard onto my desktop, in case I am not near an internet connection and I can also use the calendar function.

So far, that's all I have for the organizational tips right now.

I know, why don't you tell me some of the tips you have come up with for back to school....


Tarisha A. Mickel
Professional Communication Student
Regent University; Online

Friday, August 24, 2007


Hi! There have been so many changes since the last time I have blogged. I am just going to list these things and in no specific order.

1. School started and I am working on my coursework for both classes.

2. Work is really busy- we are only days away from a huge event, and I am anticipating some stress. I hope that I am wrong

3. I am not able to take over the Youth department (because I have so many things going on and I felt convicted that I am so busy just working in the church that I keep missing His calling for me).

4. Instead of pastoring the youth - I will be the Youth coordinator. Planning events... taking money... communicating to them. It seems like a big job- but things I don't necessarily have to work at doing!

5. I am looking to buy my first home (a condo), but am waiting due to the current changes in home lending...

6. I am a myspacer... avid. It's pretty sad. I didn't like it for a long time. But there are a lot of privacy restrictions to avoid bad things.

7. I found out a friend from Ohio is now going to Regent. HEY KRISTEN!

Well, it's dinner time. It's time to go.
Til next time...

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Hi Everyone.

I'm not one to admit defeat, fear or anything of the like. Normally, I am the one that sticks my ground... in my head I'm weeping aloud for rescue and in my words and actions I proclaim that I am strong and can handle anything. Well, I am beyond convincing myself and anyone else in this case.

I mentioned in a previous post (I think) that I have been asked to work with the Youth at my church, due to the Youth Pastor leaving and accepting his call to become the pastor of his own church. I have officially been drafted, and all that I can think of - is that I am uncomfortable. I am afraid. In the back of my mind every name in our Youth group flashes... and the question is asked after each name... Malcolm, can you lead him? Caylin, Can you lead her? Honestly in my heart, the answer is NO! No, I'm not qualified, I'm not able. I am not dynamic, I'm not up on "Post-modernism." Sometimes I am a bad Christian. There are times when I feel weak, and tired... and don't know how much fight I have for my faith. I am so afraid that I will feel one of these times of weakness, at the very moment that one of those precious souls needs me the most. Though I know in His word it says (paraphrased)... "in your weakness, I am made strong."

Despite my tendency not to admit fear, I did. I went for prayer this morning after service. Pastor talked about our Faith being shaken. He asked, do you believe in God, do you believe that He was mighty enough to save you, do you believe that He will meet you in eternity... and finally, do you believe that He will take care of every aspect of your life from the day He set you free to the moment He meets you in heaven?

Gee, my answer... yes, except the last. My answer has always been that if I, in my own knowledge, can control my world and it's affect on me... I'm ok, and my faith in God is not shaken. The moment I can't control the situation, by money, brains, emotions... if it's so outside of my bubble... I start to doubt the very sovereign power of God.

I was prayed for and while she was praying she told me that she saw me running, and behind me were many youth running directly behind me. And I realized something so important... it's not what I say, it's WHO I am in Christ that really matters. As long as I continue to chase Christ- aside from my ever present inherent sin nature, as long as I surrender my all to God - allow Him to reign as Lord in my life... these kids will be fine. I just need to be who God says I am.

I have no pressing questions... no wonderful quips to engage you. I just needed to share my heart.
Here is a photo of a few Metro's youth- please pray for them and me as I live Christ in front of them.

Friday, June 29, 2007


Hey Everyone! I'm back. I have no major updates, and don't have quite the strength to tell you about all the things going on in my life. I am POOPED (tired). I have been traveling like crazy and the first thing on my mind is to lay down- and relax, until I fall into a deep, unhindered sleep. I refuse to set an alarm tomorrow- just wake up whenever it is absolutely necessary.

Well, since I am so tired... I will leave with you one of my favorite worship songs called "Embrace This Place" by Among Thorns.

Embrace this place oh Lord

How we want to see Your glory

Embrace this place Oh Lord

How we long to feel Your spirit

Lord we sing so You can hear it

And receive all the praise


Draw us near to Your heart, Oh God

Let us rest our heads on Your chest

Place our hands in Yours, Oh Lord

Hold us face to face

Embrace this place

May the Lord embrace you, and you find rest in Him!

Love Ya,


Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Developments

So, there are a bunch of new developments in my life- that I thought I would share with the BLOG community.

1. Major Change
I originally came to Regent to pursue an English degree. I wasn't REALLY sure it's what I wanted to do long term. I mean - I've always heard the jokes "What do you do with an English Degree?" and thought, along the same lines. I have two professional goals in my life. The first is to be an instructional designer. I currently work as a training specialist for a bank, and would like to get into developing the materials, instead of just delivering them. My second goal is to teach college- I would love to teach writing, but I'm flexible on the subject. So after doing some research, I found out that my bachelor's doesn't have to be in anything specific to teach in college (the masters degree is what matters) and most of the people in the instructional design team have degrees in Communications. So, my decision. And as an added bonus, my bank will pay for my degree if I am pursuing communications... and NOT if I am pursuing English.

2. Un-Retired
I used to lead praise and worship at my old church, but considered myself retired when I came to a new church 2 years ago. Well, ALL of the praise and worship leaders were out of town this week, so I came out of retirement to lead worship. It was WONDERFUL! We didn't have any of the regular musicians. But because God's hand was on us, due to being out of our element, it was the best time ever.
So, my friend Michele and Pastor Carl told me that I should be un-retired, and perhaps write a book about (I'm probably not going that far).

Well, I have no other developments. Just wanted to keep in touch with you...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Chip Fracture

Hey, I'm back!

Last week, I told you that I busted my toe. Well, because of my mother's prompting, I decided to go to the Urgent Care last Saturday morning. After x-rays and some uncomfortable "tugging" at my toe, I was diagnosed with a chip fracture. In other words, I chipped some bone off of the first joint in my toe. Meaning that I shouldn't bend my toe for about 4 weeks.
So, I got this BEAUTIFUL blue and white post-op boot that I have to wear... and was told to stay off of it when possible. Which means that my trip to work at ALIVE festival (Christian Music Festival in Canal Fulton, OH) was no longer possible.

Also, the amount of time that I have been off my toe- allows me time to reconnect to my source, my Saviour. I get to lay in bed and read, or watch t.v. - and since t.v. rarely has anything that captures my attention, I've been reading my Word and doing some praying.

Resting in God is something we all need to take time to do... there we find our rest. God Bless


Friday, June 15, 2007


I captured your interest, didn't I? On Tuesday, I was walking into my room and tripped over the cable wire placed strategically in front of my door. Well, my big toe took a dive into the floor and it has not been the same since. It is extremely bruised, swollen and in pain. I have come to two very important realizations during this time:

1. I work too much.

I discovered this because the fact that I could hardly walk on my foot was completely overruled by the fact that I had to go to several meetings. I have neglected to go and get my toe imaged (x-ray) due to my work schedule.

2. I needed a break

I figured this out as soon as I understood #1. Not only do I need a break- but I'm being forced into taking one. I had a ministry engagement today, but due to my inability to walk and stand... I am sitting on my couch (blogging). I found that I am constantly running around, without time to breathe, reflect, spend quality time with God.

That brings me to a third realization. I have drifted from my source. Going without quality time with God, is like going without water in the middle of a desert. I have to get back to the place where it's the top desire.

So, here's my question of the week...

How in the WORLD, do you balance work, school and your spiritual life?

I would LOVE to hear about any of your tips...

Til Next Time!

Friday, June 8, 2007


Hi Everyone!

I am so excited to be involved in the world of Regent's blog community. I am brand new to Regent, but decided to attend the online program because of my CrAzY work schedule, and because secular University started to wear me down... it becomes difficult to try to use all my mental-power for school and apologetics on a constant basis (LONG story, perhaps I'll share that one day).

Anyway, I decided to come to a place where I could feed my brain, my heart and soul all at once! YAY! (Luckily after a long search Regent begins offering the English degree - Praise the Lord for His perfect timing)

I am an English student here, and I transferred from Youngstown State University (what, where?!?) in Ohio.

I am heavily involved with the youth of my church... I also occasionally lead worship and teach Sunday School. I love it!

I work for a bank - and am in the training department as a training specialist on the sales side of things. (everyone's a sales-person for something). I am moving toward becoming an instructional designer - hence the English degree.

In my spare time, I love to watch Nickelodeon and Disney channel (they de-stress me), read, and I'm a big movie buff (but I have standards - so I may not watch a lot of movies that others's a personal conviction). My all time favorite movie is "12 Angry Men," but I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I just recently read the book so I could see if the original (Willy Wonka with Gene Wilder) or the new version (Charlie with Johnny Depp) was more accurate... (DRUMROLL)... the newer one is more closely related to the Roald Dahl book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." (I know, your life wouldn't be complete without that useless piece of trivia).

You know what I would love more than anything?!?!?!? Those of you who have attended and are attending Regent, what do you think of it?

  • What are the major benefits of attending school here?
  • What are some of the opportunities for improvement? How do I overcome these??
  • Do you have any tips for me - the new kid?

I would love if anyone could share - especially those who are involved in the online degree program...

Well, I welcome any comments or suggestions... I hope to meet you soon. (you know what I mean)

The publisher/owner of this website, Tarisha Mickel, is solely responsible for decisions regarding site content. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Regent University and Regent University assumes no liability for any material appearing herein.